Amanda is an equity minded higher education professional who works tirelessly to create and advocate for more inclusive learning environments in higher education. Currently, Amanda Bonilla (bo-nee-ya) serves as the Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Community Engagement for the Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis service area. Through her role she provides vision, leadership, management, and strategic planning for inclusion and equity initiatives at Ivy Tech. Her work in creating inclusive learning opportunities through programming led her to receive many accolades including the ACUI Joseph H. Benedict Social Change Award for Racial Justice, the IUPUI Women’s Leadership award. And the 2021 recipient of the Advocacy in the Latino Community award by the Indy Chamber. In 2016 Amanda created the
Inclusion Consultant Network, a minority-women owned business focused on increasing cultural competency through discussion and dialogue for optimal work and learning environments and in 2021 she co-founded the Women’s Equity Brunch (WE Brunch) which aims to advance equity for all women in Central Indiana.